The guy that owns the greenhouse is quite possibly the happiest person in the world, plus he's a giant. He's like an excited Big Bird with a long pony tail. He's awesome. He's one of those people that you instantly like because he emanates pure joy. As we wandered looking at trees way, he came up to us. Here is how the conversation went:
BB: Aren't those birches awesome?! (I never combine my exclamations with my question marks, but that is the only way I could capture his enthusiasm, and I still didn't do it justice.)
Me: Yeah, we have an empty lot next to our house and we wo-
BB: ORCHARD!! (he throws up some jazz hands)
Me: Maybe, bu-
BB: Oh yeah, an orchard. Pears, apples, cherries...(whistles through his teeth with a dreamy look in his eye as he rocks back on his heels).
My Husband (Ryan): Watches quietly with his hands in his pockets, a happy little smile on his face.
Me: Or these birches...
BB: Mmmm hmmm, mmmm hmmmm. Imagine the pies.
Me: Pies...I like pies.
BB: Well, look around. These birches are native, so they'd do real well for ya'.
Me: Pies...
We kept looking, and eventually we started talking to BB again because the trees we already have tend to get a little sickly.
BB: Oh, sounds like you have Scale. You might need some Lime Magnesium (I can't remember exactly what chemical he said, so I'm making it up).
Husband: Still quiet, nods his head.
BB: Looks at Ryan. Yeah, you know about the Lime Machomeesa.
Ryan: Nods again.
When you've been with the same person for a significant amount of time, you develop an unspoken language. It goes way beyond body language, and is derived instead from an intimate knowledge of the other person. So intimate, that all you need is a little bit of context to understand exactly what is happening in their mind. Here is what was happening between us at this moment.
Me: I glance at Ryan, and my look says, You don't know anything about Lime Mancala.
Ryan: Does not return my glance, but in so doing he says, I know that you know that I don't know the first thing about Lime Mandolin, but I don't want to interrupt. Just go with it.
So, we finish up our conversation, look at a few more trees, and leave. We totally forgot to get the Lime Of Monte Cristo. As we are driving away, Ryan says:
Ryan: Am?
Me: Yeah?
Ryan: I don't know anything about Lime Mandungus.
Me: I know, Sweety.
Ryan: Lunch?
Me: Yes. How about some pie?
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