
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sum, Sum, Summertime!

Wow...Just, wow. I have been loving my summer so much that I have not written a single blog post in...I don't know. A long time. Here is a little bit of what's been happening:

Fabulous, lovely, awesome, breathtaking trip to Massachusetts and Maine.

With a little of this:

A LOT of that:

Some of this (body surfing, Yo!)

Probably waaaay too much of this:

A touch of that:

I mean seriously, we get it, Maine. You're beautiful. Now can we move on?

No? Okay.

All in all, a great trip. Awesome places, and some much needed time with loved ones.

Now we are home. Back with the dogs, and back to work (on jewelry that is--and making some pretty good progress, thank you very much). But first, there is the race.

The Lander Half Marathon, which is, gulp, tomorrow! I have been training for this for a while now, and it is finally here! I have some major butterflies, but I think I'm ready. Wish me luck! After that, the next big thing will the the show in Spearfish. And after that...I think I'm going to take a nap.